Healing Power of Yoga

 The term yoga has been persecuted since Despite his barbarian, he has mastered almost all ultra-modern fitness management. The genius of yoga is that it keeps us physically, mentally and spiritually fit. Incorporating a regular yoga practice has made a huge difference in my life. It gave me the strength to overcome the really common health problems that many of us endure, mainly due to the complex life and also the busy schedule. Yoga not only supports the overall quality of life, but also gives meaning to everything we do.

The divine journey of yoga was brought into my life almost two and a half times and all the credit goes to my family. I still remember my family encouraging me to join yoga classes. she probably allowed me to make a career in this field. By God's grace I managed to find a reputed institute called 'Iyengar Yoga' in Delhi and from there I started my journey in yoga. As the subject of 'Yoga' itself is a really vast subject with lots of complications, these two time periods are still a really short trip. yet it felt like a turning point in my life.
Fortunately, I was blessed with a relatively flexible body from the age of zero and also had no physical health problems. But during that time many times, always on purpose, I created a kind of internal discomfort similar to instability of mind, lack of focus and disorientation. As a result, I was restless in every little matter and over time I lost the quality of proper sleep. in the end it all created a state of confusion in almost every act I did. Although these problems did not seem serious enough at first, I was still losing my inner peace. Lately, after joining yoga, it has taken me a lot of courage and resistance to create the honest, regular practice it requires. Gradually I noticed some slow and subtle progress in the body. I observed a sense of calmness in my gesture and a sense of calmness after each practice. I also realized that my mind felt much lighter than ever before. The quality of my sleep gradually improved. Moreover, it all encouraged me to the extent that I incorporated many other changes in my daily routine and also in my eating habits. mainly it added zest to my life and made me more interested in getting fit forever.
The passion for yoga was strengthened when I experienced many miraculous changes in myself. moment maturity women face the really common problem of irregular menstrual cycle. I also had a problem with irregular periods, but with the passage of time and the constant struggle to fit my practice into my daily schedule, I found the ultimate change in timing my menstrual cycle regularly, which was previously disrupted. I also suffered from frequent migraine attacks which used to be a mild attack so I no longer took any specifics for it. But when I practiced some Inversions (asanas that are upside down), I felt a minor decrease in the frequency of migraine headaches. Therefore, I was actually more curious to explore this topic further and understand a bit of the scientific aspect of yoga. I started reading many books and materials on death deconstruction and physiology. I was extremely fascinated by the goods I endured on the Yoga of Literacy journey. Additionally, yoga has helped me gain clarity in my studies, which helps me search for what I want to do with my life. Seeing these changes, along with a deeper satisfaction in whatever I was doing, affected me so much that now yoga became indirectly important to me because it is the water of survival for the common man.
Yoga can indeed provide an all-round development of calm, stress-free mind and body fitness if practiced wholeheartedly and with sincerity. During my two experiences, I realized that the healing power is located in the body, which is the tone - sufficient to heal the problems and to exclude the coming affections, yet it needs to be activated. Health is not just freedom from complaints, every system in the body should be in perfect balance and harmony, which yoga profoundly does.

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